Top 10 Artificial Intelligence Jobs and Vacancies for June 2024

4 min readMay 23, 2024


Leading the way in the world’s increasing digitalization is artificial intelligence (AI). AI is like super-smart computer programs that can learn and solve problems. Because of this, AI is changing entire industries and creating new job opportunities.

This article will explore ten of the hottest AI jobs in June 2024. We’ll also explain what these jobs are about, what skills you’ll need, and what kind of work you’ll be doing. So, whether you’re a seasoned AI pro or just starting, this is your guide to exciting new career paths!

Top AI Jobs and the Skills You’ll Need

Many AI jobs require similar skills. Here are some of the big ones:

  • Coding: This is like giving instructions to a computer. You’ll need to know how to write code in Python or Java.
  • Data Analysis: AI uses information to learn. You’ll need to collect, sort, and understand this data well.
  • Problem-Solving: AI is all about figuring things out. You’ll need to be good at thinking critically and finding solutions.
  • Communication: Even the smartest AI needs a human teammate! You’ll need to explain complex ideas clearly.

Now, let’s dive into the specific jobs!

1. AI Product Manager

Imagine being the leader of a super-intelligent team! An AI product manager is the boss of an AI project. They decide what the AI will do, how it will be built, and how it will be used.

  • Skills: You’ll need all the above skills, plus a business background, to understand what problems the AI will solve.

2. AI Research Scientist

These constitute the AI pioneers! By developing novel algorithms and cognitive processes, they extend the capabilities of AI.

  • Skills: You’ll need a strong background in science, math, and coding, plus a curious mind that loves to experiment.

3. Machine Learning Engineer

Machine learning is a type of AI that learns from data. These engineers build and train these learning machines.

  • Skills: Coding, data analysis, and a deep understanding of machine learning are essential.

4. Robotics Engineer

AI isn’t just about computers! Robotics engineers design and build robots that use AI to move and work in the real world.

  • Skills: You’ll need engineering and AI knowledge to create awesome robots.

5. Data Scientist

Data scientists are the information detectives of the AI world. They collect, clean, and analyze data to help AI programs learn better.

  • Skills: Data analysis, statistics, and strong computer skills are essential here.

6. AI Software Engineer

These engineers are the builders behind the AI. They write the code that makes AI programs work.

  • Skills: Being a coding wiz with a good understanding of AI principles is what this job is about.

7. Computer Vision Engineer

Our eyes see the world, and computer vision engineers teach AI to do the same. They create programs that can analyze images and videos.

  • Skills: You’ll need strong coding skills and a good understanding of how computers can “see.”

8. Natural Language Processing Engineer

How does a computer understand what you say? That’s the job of a natural language processing engineer! They create AI that can understand and respond to human language.

  • Skills: Coding, linguistics (the science of language), and a love of words are all important here.

9. AI Security Specialist

As AI becomes more powerful, it’s important to keep it safe. AI security specialists ensure that AI programs aren’t hacked or misused.

  • Skills: You’ll need a strong understanding of AI and computer security to keep things safe.

10. AI Ethics Specialist

AI is powerful, but it needs to be used relatively. AI ethics specialists make sure AI programs are built and used responsibly.

  • Skills: You’ll need a good understanding of AI, ethics (what’s right and wrong), and how to communicate complex ideas.

Finding Your Dream AI Job

The world of AI is exciting and ever-changing. With the skills and knowledge from this article, you can take your first steps into this incredible field.

Here are some tips for finding your dream AI job:

  • Research: Learn more about the specific jobs that interest you.
  • Build your skills: Take online courses or get a degree in a related field.
  • Network: Connect with other AI professionals online and at events. They can offer advice and share job openings.
  • Build a portfolio: Show off your skills by creating AI projects.
  • Apply!: Be bold, put yourself out there, and apply for jobs that interest you.

The Future of AI Jobs

The world of AI is increasing, and so are the job opportunities. Here are some trends to watch for:

  • More Specialization: As AI gets more complex, there will be a need for even more specialized AI jobs.
  • Focus on Ethics: AI ethics experts will be in higher demand as AI gets more potent.
  • Demand for Explainable AI: We’ll need to understand how AI decisions are made, so engineers who can build “explainable AI” will be needed.
  • Rise of Citizen AI: Not all AI jobs will require advanced degrees. There will be a growing need for “citizen AI” skills, where people can use basic AI tools to solve problems.

No matter your background or interests, there’s a place for you in the exciting world of AI. So, start exploring, develop your skills, and prepare to be a part of the future!

Additional Notes:

  • This article is just a starting point. Many other AI jobs are out there, and new ones are being created constantly.
  • If you’re interested in a specific job, research it further to learn more about the required skills and experience.
  • Don’t get discouraged if you don’t have all the skills and experience listed for a job. Many employers are ready to provide training to the suitable applicant.

This explanation makes understanding the top 10 AI jobs and how to find your dream AI job more straightforward!




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